#1 (eng)

The day literally started with shit on my finger.

How can something so small smell so bad?

I was with me. Put on my batik shorts with my batik shirt even though I would have preferred the grey one but that’s my sleeping shirt at the moment and I don’t have the energy to wash another one and because we are leaving in a few days and anyway I was pink and batik for the first half of the day. 

I laid in the hammock and was glad that I was still part of the group. 

Watching my brother do a work out in the garden made my body jealous so I went downstairs to do some „Chakra Yoga“ with Adriene. It fits since I’ve been waiting for my period since the last new moon. 

My mom interrupted me in humble warrior and asked me if I wanted a decaf coffee. I said „No“  and that’s when the idea for the story was born. It’s dark and a big fat metaphor and I didn’t want to write it because I didn’t want to be in that world but since I am the way I am of course I sat down to write it. Of course the moon is in Scorpio as well so that’s that. Before writing I made myself a cacao. Kinda clumsy, kinda anxious.

The writing drained both me and the laptop and with two percent I finally put it on charge. My family already moved on to play ‚Catan‘ at that point and that made me sad and I laid in the hammock again trying not to feel left out. We decided to have early Apperitivo and walked to the place. Me and my siblings complained about the school system the whole time which felt good. Talking shit about something outside our immediate control felt stupid and gooey and I loved it. My Mars is in Scorpio so there is that.

The Apperitivo was nice but I wanted to head back. On the walk I got a headache. So I went for a swim and took a shower which means I only skipped skating from my evening routine which is sad but understandable. I had a banana. Mostly because co-star said good time for extra snack and because I got jealous every time my sister had a banana in the last few days so I am guessing my body needs the magnesium.

Here I am now. Feeling a bit freer. The headache is better. Will have a little smoke. I’ll be home in a few days. I miss my friends. But home is now also in Portugal so I guess my heart is expanding. 

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